What are Bachelor Button Leaves? Why do Plant leaves turn yellow?

It feels so disheartening when you see the plants you have grown start turning yellow. Trust me, I was dealing with the problem of my bachelor button leaves turning yellow, and I know this feeling.

But here I am going to share the solution to save your bachelor button leaves from turning yellow. You just have to make sure to follow all the step-by-step processes that will help you grow the plant by providing it with all the basic requirements. In case the problem still exists, first ensure to find out the main cause behind it and then tackle the problem.

If you encounter any other issues while growing the bachelor button, you can ask me in the comment section.

Key takeaways:

  • Bachelor button (Centaurea cyanus) is a self-seeding wildflower native to Europe and Asia with a faint fragrance.
  • The most popular cultivar, sometimes known as cornflower, has brilliant blue blooms and long, robust stalks.
  • There are various types and cultivars available, ranging in hue from pink to white to purple and black.
  • Bachelor button plants may grow to be three feet tall or more, depending on the cultivar.
  • Bachelor buttons are beautiful cut flowers and a beautiful contribution to garden beds.
  • Their petals are non-toxic and can be utilized in cooking or baking as edible flowers.
Common NameFull sun preferred can tolerate some shade
Scientific NameCentaurea cyanus
LightYou need to add compost at the base of the plant to provide nutrition to the plant.
WaterDrought-tolerant, maybe 1” per week at most
SoilYou need to add compost at the base of the plant in order to provide nutrition to the plant.
FertilizerYou need to add compost at the base of the plant to provide nutrition to the plant.
PestsFor growing the peppers you need to prefer loamy soil that is well-drained and drained having the pH range from 6.6 to 7.8.
DiseasesPowdery mildew and rust

What type are the Bachelor Button plants?

Over the years, the bachelor button has acquired a variety of common names, the most frequent of which is “cornflowers,” owing to its proclivity for blooming in cornfields in their native Europe. This naming convention, however, has caused some uncertainty as to whether the bachelor button is an evergreen perennial plant. This mistake stems from a plant of the same genus, Centaurea Montana, which has a similar appearance and is also known as cornflower.

While both Centaurea cyanus and Centaurea Montana feature beautiful blue blooms, there are significant distinctions in how they should be grown and cared for. Centaurea Montana (also known as mountain cornflower or mountain bluet) and Centaurea cyanus (bachelor’s button) are perennials and annuals, respectively.

“By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.”

– By Rabindranath Tagore.

Growing the Bachelor Button Flowers

It’s easy to grow a bachelor’s button from seed.

  • Early spring or late winter is the best time to sow seeds. Your USDA Hardiness Zone will determine the optimal time to sow your seeds, however, these plants flourish throughout zones 2–11. After you’ve had your last frost, it’s generally okay to sow bachelor’s button seeds. From early June until the first frost, they’ll blossom.
  • Sow seeds in a full-sun location. Plant seeds in well-draining soil and gently top them with a half-inch of dirt after choosing a location that will receive plenty of direct sunlight.
  • Keep your seedlings moist at all times. After you’ve planted your seeds, give them a light watering. During the germination stage, make sure your seeds are well-moistened.
  • Spread a covering of mulch on top. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the seedlings once they’ve reached maturity to assist minimize water evaporation and the quantity of water they’ll require.

Caring for the Bachelor Button Flowers

Bachelor button flowers are low-maintenance and adaptable.

  • To keep plants from spreading, deadhead them. Bachelor buttons are self-seeding plants that, if left to their own devices, can spread rapidly. By deadheading or thinning your plants, you can limit the likelihood of them self-seeding. Some of the wasted buds can be saved and replanted the following year.
  • Vegetables should be grown around your bachelor’s button. Bachelor’s button can help attract helpful insects like pollinators, which will help your fruits and veggies thrive if you’re growing them.
  • Companion plants should be considered. When planted among other flowering plants that demand comparable conditions and care, these blossoms will be even more striking. Plant bachelor’s buttons beside marigolds, geraniums, zinnias, snapdragons, black-eyed Susans, bee balm, or coneflowers as companion plants.

What causes the Yellowing of Plant Leaves?

What causes the leaves to become yellow on bachelor’s button plants? Yellowing leaves are caused by improper watering or exposure to direct sunshine. Insects and vitamin shortages are also possibilities, though they are less likely. Let’s consider some options and solutions.

  • Yellowing leaves can be caused by both over and under-watering, however, overwatering is more frequent in the case of bachelor’s buttons. Bachelor’s buttons thrive in dry soil and don’t require additional irrigation unless there is a prolonged drought. You can’t control the weather, but you can make efforts to keep the soil surrounding your bachelor’s buttons dry.
  • Bachelor’s buttons should not be planted in low regions where water collects. Pick a spot where the soil stays uniformly wet even after heavy rainfall. Planting in well-drained soil is a common guideline, but what does this truly mean? A simple test may be used to assess if your soil drains effectively.
  • Fill a hole with water that is about a foot deep. Let the water flow entirely before re-filling the hole. Well-drained soil will sink at a rate of nearly two inches per hour. If your soil isn’t properly drained, add lots of organic matter, such as manure, shredded leaves, or leaf mold, to promote drainage. It’s practically hard to overdo it, so put out your best effort.
  • Another reason is a lack of sunshine. Bachelor’s buttons require a minimum of six hours of strong, full sunshine every day, and they will not survive without it. Make sure to measure the quantity of sunshine that a region receives during the growing season. The sunshine that penetrates through in early spring and late summer, after all of the trees and bushes have leafed out, is vastly different. Through the seasons, there are some small changes in the sun’s orientation.

Growing Problems:

  • There are some common problems while growing a bachelor button like a top-heavy plant which is caused due to excess moisture on flowers. 
  • The stem will start drooping to the weight and you can see how it topples under weight so you need to provide support to the plant to fix the problem. 
  • You will also see yellowing foliage of peppers which is caused because of watering issues Such as over-watering and under-watering. 
  • Make sure the soils drain well and the water does not stand by around the plants. 
  • You need to maintain the soil moisture and not make it too wet or completely dry.
  • If you find yellowing of leaves which can be due to frost damage. you need to trim off the leaves to promote the growth of leaves during the spring season.


There are a few pests that create problems in growing the plant such as:

  • Aphids are insects that feed on the leaves of the plant that you can clean or wipe off by applying neem oil on the leaves of surfaces.
  • The mealybugs also attack plants and you can get rid of them by using insecticidal soap.
  • Some animals eat the leaves like rabbits that are used to nibble on the leaves as they do like the taste of the leaves.
  • Some small birds find the plant leaves very delicious which helps to rid of the caterpillars or other pests.
  • Some insects are beneficial to the flowers like ladybugs does eliminate aphids and there are some insects like bees that help in making the garden grow best.


Some diseases cause damage to the bachelor buttons plants which you need to get rid of them such as:

  • In case plants get diseases infected with powdery mildew, getting rid of them is a very slow process. applying neem oils will help in getting rid of them.
  • If you spray them with neem oil weekly it reduces the chances of getting infected with powdery mildew or pest infestation.
  •  Having fungal disease will cause yellowing or forming of white spots on the top of the leaves and will spread underside of the leaves if not cured on time.
  • Spreading of copper fungicides such as Monterey Liqui-Cop will help in getting rid of the disease.
  • You can also remove the damaged leaves and destroy them so they do not spread and destroy other plants.

About the Article

Bachelor button (Centaurea cyanus) is a self-seeding wildflower native to Europe and Asia with a faint fragrance. The most popular cultivar, sometimes known as cornflower, has brilliant blue blooms and long, robust stalks.

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